Marilyn Bracks Consultancy


I’ve always loved and been passionate about fashion and the arts. I was born into a family entrenched in the fashion industry, so at a very young age I inherited the natural genetic instincts,which inspired me to pursue and dedicate my life to all that’s fashion. I’ve always been fascinated by it, it defines me.

I didn’t go into the family business straight away. I wanted an independent experience.
Memories of tagging along with my dad, warehouse to warehouse. Sitting on cutting room tables, glass of milk in one hand and a cookie in the other, eyes and mind wide open. One eye sees, the other feels. Life’s lessons. Chartered my career in fashion.

Marilyn Bracks Consultancy was launched in 2009, the year of GFC after having 30 years experience in the fashion industry at wholesale at national and international levels.

I have had the great fortune of working with so many wonderful iconic designers and fashion houses over the past 30 years . Such a wonderful career where I have achieved a well earned respect and acknowledgement of my achievements by my trusted colleagues whether they be designers, buyers, editors, stylists, photographers and celebrities, many of whom I have held a long term friendship with.

My world – My Love of FASHION, ARTS , TRAVEL and FOOD……..

Its the Fashion that consumes my every waking hour , fuels me thru the day and relaxes me at night…..

“Live the life you’ve imagined……”

  • Over 30 years – Fashion W/S sectors – National/International… Running the show
  • Running National Brands – W/S
  • Fashion Shows, Exhibitions, Fabric International Shows
  • Launches, Presentations
  • Involvement/Implementation/Max Sales – National and Overseas Brands
  • All Areas – Mainstream, Contemporary, High End Brands
  • Collaborations, Charity Events, Grammys
  • Pitching New Business
  • International Designers, Celebrities, Entertainment, Music/Arts Fields
  • Negotiations – Representing Brands – Business Ventures – Department Stores